FOREO KIWI Derma Device

  • Cruelty free
  • Vegan
EUR 172.95


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24% de desconto

O desconto diminui 1% a cada 2 horas. Código: FAST
24% de desconto
O desconto diminui 1% a cada 2 horas. Código: FAST

Em stock

Image 1, SKIN REFINING TREATMENT IMPROVES SKIN TEXTURE REDUCES APPEARANCE OF WRINKLES UNCLOGS & MINIMIZES PORES INCREASES ABSORPTION OF SKINCARE Image 2, PLEASE NOTE Glide the device quickly and evenly across skin, in an upward motion. DO NOT PAUSE in one area. Before using KIWI derma on your face, test it on your arm, starting with intensity 1. Do not over-exfoliate - one glide per area is enough. Do not apply excessive pressure.

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